Lock Consulting | Europe

Committed to guiding your business towards sustainable success

about us

Comprehensive business strategies and IT expertise.

Lock Consulting, a subsidiary of Lock Group International, is your strategic ally in business and IT consulting, dedicated to realizing your objectives. Headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, we leverage our extensive experience and expertise to fuel the growth of your business and help you reach your full potential.

Consulting solutions to address your unique challenges.



Business Guidance

We provide strategic business guidance tailored to your unique needs. We work closely with you to understand your business landscape, offering insights and solutions that foster growth.

IT Consulting

Our IT consulting services focus on optimizing technological integration within your business. Through system assessments, we ensure your business harnesses the full potential of technology.

Expertise-Driven Solutions

Benefit from our solutions designed to propel your business forward. Whether you seek guidance on operational efficiency or technology adoption, we stand as your trusted advisor.

Tailored consulting solutions for every business size.

Affordable prices

500% ROI


Explore our cost-effective subscription plans.

Benefit from Lock Consulting's business and IT consulting services with affordable pricing models and the potential for a remarkable return on investment. We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in achieving your business objectives.

Partner companies

Learn more about our partner companies.

our services

Discover our varied range of consulting services.

Lock Consulting, a dedicated subsidiary of Lock Group International, is your comprehensive partner in business and IT consulting, offering a roadmap to achieve your objectives. Leveraging extensive experience and expertise, we empower your business growth, helping you reach new heights of success.

Specialized services for small, medium and large enterprises.

Lasting success

Complete business consulting

Partner and Affiliate Companies


Choose a subscription

Standard Plan

Basic Business Consulting
Basic IT Consulting
Basic Business Assessment
Monthly Insights Report
For small businesses

Plus Plan

Advanced Business Consulting
Advanced IT Consulting
Advanced Business Assessment
Bi-monthly Insights Report
For medium businesses

Premium Plan

Professional Business Consulting
Professional IT Consulting
Professional Business Assessment
Weekly Insights Report
For big businesses

Quality services

Attractive prices

Software access

Plus Value

Lock Consulting | Europe

Become our partner

Affordable prices

Business Guidance
IT Consulting
Expertise-Driven Solutions